hi im annie

Annie Camenzind @Anniemation

Age 18, Transgirl


11th Grade


Joined on 7/11/21

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Anniemation's News

Posted by Anniemation - October 27th, 2022

So i saw this on gamejolt and im interested

what do you think of me ?


Posted by Anniemation - October 24th, 2022

Uh honestly i am exhausted with switzerlocation the original lore for 2 is heavily realiant on h.o.t and i cant do that now

but everything i do feels somewhat wrong

I tried to change the story in 2 but it idnt flow as well

i tried to make a new fan game with the assets of 2 but it wasnt directly connected to swtzl

and i tried to remake 1 in the style of 2 but it didnt work as i had bad memories there

but i want to DO SOMETHING

for the fans and for me so i ask you what do you want


Posted by Anniemation - October 20th, 2022

Nah don't worry it is t like last year but the story is gonna change its no longer about a guy named Dave trying to resurrect h.o.t due to multiple current factors

It's more like the original planned lore and I mean what was happening when I began coding before thinking of story

The hot house will still be present as well as the Dave character but I'm just to lazy to change em.

But eh Dave stopped being a self insert a while ago even though I'd like to think so

I kinda wrote h.o.t Dave the stable version I wanted to be but in multiple factors that is just not me and whether you like it or not you can't change It.

But who knows ? Maybe I will change the characters name and retroactively fix swtzl one only problem I don't wanna use its visual cheapness again not do I wanna remake it in pixel art . Remaking the bots was hard enough

And to those asking what's it's about now then ? Well I have an old scrapped lore document I forgot I never released but it's similar and ties in to swtzl 1 while giving that one a canon ending


Posted by Anniemation - October 17th, 2022


@polishcat you shall not be spared :)


Posted by Anniemation - October 17th, 2022

Since oddette has come out now

Expect some minor meme debauchery

@polishcat beware

Posted by Anniemation - October 13th, 2022

Ok so i decided to link 2 account i secretly had whee i already came out as trans here on the tumblr one i will reveal some lore about swtzl even you can ask me any questions there i migth even answer them

also the name trouble is finally over Call me ANNIE Or any variation of it like anne/anna but not AHna

reason i found out sasha in ym home country (and in russia) is a boys name go figure

anyway go check out my deviant art and tumblr fair warning though

on deviantart Well its more obvious i am trans as sson as you check the favoutites actualyl no im not ready just follow my tumblr and ask questions about bigfoot in swtzl



Posted by Anniemation - October 12th, 2022

Hello guys sasha here

and welcome to Talking about swtzl 2

where i talk about switzerlocation 2

Ok so first up ill anser some faqs i imagine people having

Q: is Sam still the Protagonist ?

A: no sam the pruple gal wont be the protagonist anymore as i dont really like her ben will still be the antagonist though

Q: if not sam who is the protagonist ?

A: its the house of troubles version of dave and its about uniting the 2 storys

Q: what ending is this a contuniation from ?

A: Well the first game due to being cut short didnt have any proper endings but basically its this I like to imagine there has been so much huubaab about the incident of 23 that nobody knows what actually happened except dave who was there as a witness

Q: will you continue the old lore

a: No i dont like it and associate it with bad memories so i dont really want to i will make a new lore though its much more clear and obvious also it will be less tied to original dsaf

Q: What will its rating be ?

A: i guess around 16 + due to more crass/ mature things though people younger are welcome however it is meant more for teens than swtzl 1 it honestly was more a 7 + than a 13 + but given the new game that rating makes it feels the same as the first one while its very much diffrent

Q: will there be any joke routes?

a: yes but More Logical than in the first one it wont just be oh this stick get ending now restart whole game . most will have a small mini route atleast except the ballpit and such because there it is obvious you get an ending

Q: the first game was hard to play and unfairly desiged will you fox this ?

A: yes because a. its more fun to play and b the more youtubers if any will cover it as its easier to get the endings

Q:will you make your own music ?

A: no i would like to but i dont know how and i dont wanna search a musician i would like to get this done by halloween i know its unrealsitic but i made outbreaking the spacestation pretty much during one halloween party Granted the game was fucking simple but still. the musician i will spare for a bigger project.

Q:will you change dave as you have transitioned since ?

A: no i dont plan to as i dont really see h.o.t Dave as a self insert anymore and because this one is very diffrent.

Q: ya got lore ?

a: yeah but less drastic than the first one atheres also some secrets for example a secret way to meet GOD though its hard to get

Ok now to other stuff funfacts and headcanons

which of those you believe are canon is up to you

Dave during the events of the game is constantly high

Satori sees the souls in the flipside like her kids though some of them are only a year younger than her

Dave seb and satori all dated the Same ogre Lady but dont know the others did too (oden didnt as a universe where he isnt gay isnt a thing)

Ben is a transman and sees golden foxy as a transition goal

Dave wanted to come out as trans but as the troup was murdered right as he wnated to come out that took a backseat

The events of Bojack horseman all happened in the swtzl universe but in a human version so its about bojack Horaceman and horsing around is called either "Humaning around" , "Goofing around" , or "Clowniing around"

Theres like 8 orphans 20 rats 3000 giant scuttlers and a sahsillion racoons livingg in the restaurant dave owns though he cant manage to find him if the restaurant where to burn down oh god all the racoos (i looked for a way to shorted racoon and apparently c**n )

The three phone guys dave buys are actually hallucinations he has and they are actually the bremer stadt musikanten minues the rooster

Dave considered Just giving a homeless guy off the street some Goofy Panties and call it a springlock suit to entertain the kids but after a fantastic homeless shelter opened up it was really hard to get a hobo around günzburg

the Trouple troup house is in Günzburg Germany

Seb Dated every single character we see in the game except the 2 babies as tehy where to dumb to understand

Pierrot Killed Every single world leader and replaced them with robots to make herself a queen only problem she made every single one except angele merkel to dumb to vote her

Ok so now about some stories and lore

ok first up the story about how dave and satori more or less would be resposnsible for ww3

ok so It all started a winterafternoon in the house and dave and satori where making hot chocolate and tdave accidently mixed up the marshmallow powder with his anxiety powder tldr they overdosed and went on a drug filled bender during which they scared a small baby in its crib , ran over a deer leaked all plans for rick and morty season 7 ( spoiler shrek kills summer and it ends with dance party and incest) causing it to get cancelled , visited all of satoris ex Girlfriends (All 763 of them) and the last they do is break into joe bidens office read his diary in which angela merkels biggest secret is written and then write a letter with the offical us war paper that reveals the secret to miss merkel and says shes a dum dodo butt and put it right aboth her deak just then the drugs wear of and they run now they constantly think about the fact that if the paper where to suddenly fall down which it very much can and miss emrkel would read it ww3 would start qand the world would be fucke moral of the stor

Drugs are bad

Ok you liked that (no)

Good because im telling anothe rone ok this is how the trouble troup met

the year was december 9th.1898 and the odenianian x909.83F otherwise known as the parent of oden came to earth on the Günzburg trainstation and laid a seed egg into the ground where their future baby would hatch they then flew away and afterwards completly forgot about the egg

now inside the young odenianian grew and was equipped with all knowleedge he wnated but instead decided to watch the office over and over agin and count to a million for exactly 119 years 11 months 364 days and 11 hours later.

And out popped The oden we know and Love .

Right at this moment a young david baker got out of the train station ready for work in günzburg with nothing but 30 euros, a train ticket ,a legoland annual pass , a suitcase and a glint in his eye .

rightly after he saw an literal alien hatch right neyx to him and he obviously freaked out,.

The alien (he didnt have his name yet) Began to mimick him and started Freaking out too .

after half an hour of this spiel dave got tired and asked the alien what it wanted

The Freashly hatched but still 14 year old alien replied with a " id dunoo thats supposed to be your job you are the parent after all" to which dave replied that hes isnt and if he gave birth to an alien seed baby trough plant egg he would remember that the alien now realising its parent abandoned it began sobbing to which dave reacted by freeaking out more and gave it a werthers original candy that candy is the reason oden can feel happiness dur9ing the entire show even though everything should speak aganist it. The alien asked what daves name was Dave replied with a " my name is daviddofferoffski but friendys may call me dave " which the alien did though dave said ONLY MY FRIENDS you are not my friend you are a thing that hatched in front of me and now please leave me alone

Dave then walked away to go to his job interview at legoland though the thing didnt stop following him

he tried to shake it off though he went to the mall to confuse it with escalators , h went to the barber to confuse it will hairdryers and he went to the fitness center to confuse it with muscles none of that worked though the last one made the alien so incredibly gay it shook other timelines dave realiesed what he had done though was to stressed to care

he went to the legoland and nailed the job interview however the alien was then eating the guests in the ninjago theme world which got dave fired as he was the closeset thing to a parent they could find that and the alien was naked which even though it didnt have sexual features was a big no no . Dave then got frustrated and went to a local mcdonalds which had a young pre hrt satori as a waitress and Seb as a janitor.


to which satori replied that she is not a sir dave then apologized and said the exact same sentence replaceing the sir with a maam and ordering 2 big mac jr for him and the alien ( they havent been eliminated by trump and stalin at this point in the timeline yet) then seb came in and kissed satori ( the sebtori ship was still active) to which the 2 asked if they could get slightly romantic to which dave said yes they then proceeded to violently yiff eachother which made the oden we know now absolutely unaffected thozugh we cant say the same for DAve


The alien then replied yes To which dave reacted evene more crazy he began to yreet and holler and Chat " GRAB THE EG GRAB THE EGGE GRAB THE EGG GRAB THE EGG GRAB THHE EGG AND SILBERBERG " over and over again and proceeded to grab the stations golden egg to throw it off the silberberg the alien begged seb and satori to help him save his only friend from the cops to which they replied "uh fine" they managed to talk dave out of it and he said " ok im sorry i guess you are my friend alien"

they all went to the trainstation al bummed out as seb and satori where also fired Dave, seb and satori aksed how they could get money to which the alien replied " i have money what do you think i would have been abandoned without cash thats how humans do it right ?!" the 3 where to happy to deny that and the 4 bought a house right as they came in dave said "man, i am so tired i could just sleep right now on the floor" The alien then asked what things like man woman sir and maam mean to which the 3 responded by explaining names gender sexuality and pronuons to the alien who the decided he would use he/him prounouns satori then asked on his name to which he said he didnt have one but he was odenianian . dave then suggested the name oden but only then remebered that was one letter of the word for balls and killing someone with a diapered porcuipine in his mother kanguages oden lliked it though and thats daves biggest regret.

then the 4 buy furniture and pay the house fees while sleeping until 2022 cue house of troubles episode 1

ok and thats how the trouple troup met and how i meet the 3 irlseriously though having a seed alien baby being born right next to you it changes you.

anyway thats it good night bye oh and so the others see this

@odentheanimator2007 @totallynotsandng @polishcat @p13rr0t @novaarg



Posted by Anniemation - October 12th, 2022

well guess i need another name i just found out sasha is heavily male in other languages

wel back to nameless i go

Posted by Anniemation - October 12th, 2022

ey i finally got a new name Ok so lets reintroduce me

Hello my name is Sasha

I am 16 years old i am from siwtzerland and i am a trans girl


Posted by Anniemation - October 7th, 2022

I can't really contain anymore atleast not here anymore I am probably just taking or confused but I amsure so atleast on here I want to say I strongly think i am trans

Because cis men don't have the little princess as their first childhood Obsession cis men don't think of all the times they watched genderswap episodes as a kid because cis didn't watch feminisation hypnosis and prayed to God to make them a girl for a day to "know what it feels like" cis men don't hope estrogen is contained in all their food cis men don't always pick the female Pokémon protagonist and soft reset for a female starter cis men don't have a light pink nice happy feeling when feeling or imagining themselves as feminine cis men don't get a deep bad terrible shitty ugly feeling when being more or less forced to act masculine or question their identity cis men don't look at feminine clothing longingly like something that's sadly out of reach and cis men don't wish they weren't male.

I do that I do all of that and you know why ? Because I am not a cis man

If that bothers you and/or you actually believe the earth is flat please unfollow me and cut me out of your projects but please let me be
