hi im annie

Annie Camenzind @Anniemation

Age 18, Transgirl


11th Grade


Joined on 7/11/21

Exp Points:
2,016 / 2,180
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5.60 votes
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4m 29d

Anniemation's News

Posted by Anniemation - January 22nd, 2022

I was looking at a post in a r / Arethecisok? video in which a Cis woman asked "fellas who do yall think is more of a woman a very femine trans girl or a very masculine cis girl" Now both the youtuber and i very like who is more femine a Woman or a woman ?

Both the trans girl and the cis girl are women both Biological sex and Gender you have in your soul dont defy what you have to like your sex is things you can physically sree and your gender is how you feel in your soul and if those differ you are likely trans. Even if you are trans that doesnt mean you have to like Things commonly associated with your prefered gender or else you are not trans. NO . Just because a Trans boy still likes baking a more feminine hobby which he likely did pre transition does not make him not a boy. And if a trans girl still likes Karate that also doesnt make her less of a girl.

And even if you are cis YOUR HOBBIES DO NOT HAVE TO BE GENDERED . Just like what you like as long as you dont hurt anyone Mentally or Physically. At the end of the day this post is just to say you are Valid.

Tldr: just be you but dont hurt others :)

Posted by Anniemation - January 7th, 2022

Hi my name is david and

i have been doing this newgrounds thing for half a year now and in that half year

a lot of my stuff got lost That has ultiple rresons whether there was a controversy attached to it so it got deleted,

it got cancelled mid production,it was never made beyond a script, the pc i had it on broke or any other reasons so now i will talk about it .

Akt 1 : switzerlocation

(sigh) alright lets get the snorlax out of the room first. Switzerlocation is or was my Dayshift at freddys fangame.

if you dont know what it is its a Fangame series of Five Nights at freddys and if you still have no clue I am both sorry and astound. back to swtzl it would take place in DSAF 3 s neutral ending and it basically retconned the entire timeline and every character was a worse copy of a main series dsaf character it was a way to over ambitiuos game for its own good or bad rather because it went trough development HELL i may or may not overworked myself and the people planned to be involed and at some pont i just straight up cancelled it 2 funfacts here 1 @limeaidsodapoppers was involved and they have been long offline and i am scared that they are dead now thats not fun and more fun fact @razorblam was planned to be involved and it didnt work but later in the house collab we tecnically worked on the same game without knowing ok last word to this swtzl tried to be Security breach in dsaf form and crashed right into a brick wall and its dead as fluffybuns.

AKT 2 :Deleted ART

Ok so now lets get into pictures i posted and then later deleted and none of them will ever see the light of day again maybe probably i dont know anyways first of there is (sigh) i dont really wanna mention this cos its a dead drama horse

but the jonochrome controvers basically i made some art that was inspired and on based on jonochrome/jonbro who did something not so good and right after the drama went live i deleted my riddle school ship art and my jonbro phone guy painting and both the redisgn of my character robert robot who at the time was a flumpty bumpty clone and the changing of my drawing my full channel banner where a result of this controversy. other deleted art are my speed edits basically me modifing already made drawing so a bit of them have been deleted including my fnac and yokai watch one but soem are still online but i will remove them soon probably. also there are things i made in stock images and a a render of davetrap from dsaf i made as a test post cos something on my account glitched and somehow even though i instsntly deleted it has 6 views when i check it in the trash folder but its probably from me looking at it.

and now i will not talk about buff caillou

AKT 3 : games i couldnt Make

Ok i will keep it quick so at one point i wanted to like make a lot of cancelled games i cant really remembe rbut its swtzl a Pokemon fan game a onaf style robert game but what happend is my laptop broke and i couldnt send the data to a cloud so now its gone forever

Ok and thats scrapped stuff

In conclusion during my newgrounds history a lot has been deleted and or made unavalible and there no doubt willbe more but thats part of live Things end sometimes i might have to stop posting but i hope we share nice memories thats very cheesy but hey i am swiss we love chesse (laughs and sigh in relieve)

anyway keep in mind have a nice day, i have scrapped a lot of stuff and as always Have a beating heart.


Posted by Anniemation - January 4th, 2022

here create a trainer card and share it here

Trainer Card Maker | Pokécharms (pokecharms.com)

Posted by Anniemation - January 4th, 2022

i made a pokemon nuzlocke today and my starter Toaster the monferno, cola the craînodos, and dings the luxio all of which i loved died


Posted by Anniemation - January 1st, 2022

I decided That i will make a sequel to Roberts funhouse but it wont be the same it will be MUCH MUCH DARKER

It will be My biggest Project ever And it will take so long to make that i will probably do the following

I will sell The full Version on sites like Itch.io For the Price of 3:45 Franken ( around 4 usd) Newgrounds.com will get a demo containing 20 of the fifty Rooms while other sites get a Demo with 5 rooms It wwilkl probably take long to make since i want it to be great so i will not publish it until its completly perfect so expect a realese date like mid 2022- early 2024

anyway good night

Edit: it will actually be more of a reboot


Posted by Anniemation - December 31st, 2021

Its already 2022 here in switzerland so wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

also new game is our it wil probably get bla,mmed but ah i dont care its just my hicks pasion prject ahh the floor tntcles r drwning me

Posted by Anniemation - December 31st, 2021

Heya Davey here

i decided to make a recap of my beginings on newgrounds without delving too deep into personal stuff

July ( because i made my account then)

Ok so on 11.july 2021 one month after my 15th birthday i created my Newgrounds account

and a few days later i made my first post A fnaf fan art which gave birth to robert a character thyat i still really like

i posted soem more including my most popular one FNF Mommy mearest which i actually dont like that much its really overated and yeah.


Here my Account started to grow, i made more drawings and got my first follower @olskoo he is cool btw check him out

even though that happend trough a tiny controversy i acidently created? (chuckles) long in short made a pist where i criticised the blam system yeah not my proudest moment i also met some friends like satori from @mini-island

she is also Awesome go follow her and two of them have a bit more of a sad story one of them whos name or username i wont say lets call him Crankynuts he was one of my first followers and after he unfriended and unfollowed me i asked if he is alright and this was his response iu_511457_9548562.jpg

and about the other they were @limeaidsodapoppers or nyx they worked with me on my cancelled dsaf fangame called switzerlocation and after some point they just stopped posting..... i hope they are alright

i originally wanted to recap everything but yeah its a mess

moral of story 2021 was a hot mess GUTEN RUTSCH ( i hope the youslide safely into 2022)


Posted by Anniemation - December 23rd, 2021

Happy holidays i will now take a little ng break for the nesxt few days no worrys

Posted by Anniemation - December 23rd, 2021

i started a fireside on gamejolt where you can ask me anything


(1) the david baker q&a - Fireside - Game Jolt

Posted by Anniemation - December 21st, 2021

i feel like my art is currently getting worse and it seems like newgroundsthinks so too i mean te knifehold drawing i made got rated the worst any of my drawings ever got in just a couple minutes

i am sorry if i seem egotistical mith it i just have a feeling like i get worse

should i quit ?