@Anniemation idk
hi im annie
Age 18, Transgirl
11th Grade
Joined on 7/11/21
@Anniemation idk
@Munimun @Anniemation Yes, straights do have to push it on children. They want their kids to be like adam and eve, boyfriend and girlfriend. It is the right way to live, why is being gay pushed on kids so much nowadays is the real question.
nope not dealing with you again on a post i made to ridicule you using your own logic again ,seb im a busy woman and your tomfoolery is a fulltime job im happy i quit so sayonara take a hike i am done with you
@SebDev @Anniemation leave me out of this you friggin loser
@Munimun it wasnt directed at you
@SebDev then dont tag me bitch!!!!!
@Munimun why tf are you mad at me? all i did was tag you
@SebDev who's mad? lol
@Munimun you. I just said.
@SebDev i'm not mad tho?
@Munimun thought you were since you were swearing n stuff
@SebDev oh sorry for hurting your feelings with foul language
@Munimun I can't tell if that's a genuine apology or sarcasm
@SebDev it was sharcasm im not sorry at all hahahahahahahahahahaha
@Munimun man that was soo funny
@SebDev it was. can you stop replying now
@Munimun aight
@appleman888 you kiss your mother with that mouth???
@appleman888 i'm the least angry i have ever been, can you stop replying? thanks
@appleman888 i remember having a dopey smile on my face as i typed that. i guess that translates as mad anger to you somehow..?
i mean do the heterosexuals have to push it on childern that mucg