so i just had an idea i have been getting alot of fans recently which is really cool so i have an idea
if i get 15 fans by the end of septeber i will wondertrade 100 Magnemites on my Pokemon Ultramoon edition
and if you can prov ethat you have one i will follow you on NG how abou that ? let me know if youd like that
anyway have a nice day
_ dave
(btw all grubbins are called NGGeeklordav and sent by the Ot Charlie) ( i call all my protags in RPGS Charlie)
Edit: ok promise is promise i will go catch 100 flippy Magnemites
edit: 2 since my ultra moon has a few difficulties i will have to send magnetons instead luckily i bought a used copy of y sometime ago and didnt delete the save file so expect them soon