ok basically long story short
i am quitting playing yugioh
after doing it for 4 years and 7 months
as it felt like i was
trapped on a single spot a date
kinda like te dhmis imagination theory
okk let me explain that
DHMIS or dont hug me i am scared is a webseries which is a horror spoof of the muppets, which is ,made by bscky sloan and joseph pelling
and since that show lore is pretty vague multiple theories have emerged with 2 main camps which i will call the media theory and the imagination theroy (i will cover it more in a seperate post if you would like that )
for today only the imiganition theory is important so basiccally it says that the character red guy has fleed tto his imaginary worldd and cant move on
i felt like that so so i am moving on and decided to sell my cards
sorry i just wanted to vent
It's okay to vent because if you talk to people you trust, you can feel a little better, that's what I do here too.
thanks moth girl