hi im annie

Annie Camenzind @Anniemation

Age 18, Transgirl


11th Grade


Joined on 7/11/21

Exp Points:
2,016 / 2,180
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Vote Power:
5.60 votes
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B/P Bonus:
4m 29d

Anniemation's News

Posted by Anniemation - September 28th, 2021

uh someone purchased me a monthly membership of supporter status i am confused but thankful

thank you kind stranger you may reveal yourself ( i just hope i dont have tto pay for anything)

side questions : do i have to pay for anything now ?

should i be worried ?

What if the payer frames me of stealing and i get sent to jail ?


Posted by Anniemation - September 25th, 2021

Hello everyone

Its me dave ok i will cut the shit here

after Switzerlocation is done i WONT make a sequel or any FANGAME FOR ANYTHING

I am just tired of knowing that i am basically leaching of someones sucess after switzerlocation The chance that i will make a sequel is unlikely i know the story will end open ended as it is now but i wont chage it and i will just leave the continuation to you after the first game what happens is Your head canon

i Know that dosent sound good for the game but i still will make it . to be honest i am just kinda tired of Making fan games after swtzl i will do soething similar to what Direct dogman did with dial town a concept from the previous but in a way thats diffrent enough that it isnt quite a fangame the only thing i know about that game is that its gonna be in the city of bern (switzerlandscapitol) and you will have to try to get to school on time and it has diffrent endings.

If any of the other members of the swtzl team want to make a sequel after this they can but they have to discuss which of those is canon anyway sorry for the bummer i will go programm now

and as always have a nice day



Posted by Anniemation - September 22nd, 2021

yeah so i coiuldnt catch 100 magnemites so i will do something else i will woderrade 1 pokemon until i have the entire national dex in ultra sun and ultra moon i will post updates wish me luck

DAY:1 Dex entries gained 37 down 788 to go First traded pokemon : pikachu Last traded pkemon: pideot (my favorite)

DAY 3: well my 2ds got shut down during a trade i botted it up and i see my trade is a LVL 100 Shiny haxorous

sadddly ii gotta trade it tomorroew



Posted by Anniemation - September 20th, 2021

I need help to code medals into Switzerlocation

Can Anyone HEre rogramm stuff so that they are actuall obtainable ?


Posted by Anniemation - September 18th, 2021

Hello everyone here are some questions i thought people might have about switzerlocation ask some more if you want

vut please no questions i already answered

Q: is this official ?

A: no since its neither made by directdogman nor empbraced by him

Q: which ending is this a continuation from?

A: its a sequel to the Mediocre ending From DSAF 3 as i thought there are still some stories there

Q: Is a Sequel Planned ?

A: MAybe i will just see how this one does btw you are free to ask me for ideas i would have for sequels

Q: Did you call yourself geeklorddave coz of dsaf ?

A: no My full name was always David.R.Baker

Q: How Many ending will be in this game ?

A: about 5

Q: Can i use the pixel art ?

A: NO it belongs to a friend of mine limeaidsodapoppers the only art you cant us eis the one in the minigames coz they were made by a generator

Q: i have a question yu already answered but i dont like the answer i am asking again

A: i hate You

anyway thats it ask more question if you want and also

NO jack kennedy will NOT play a big roll this is not jacks story nor the story of the original DSAF its a new spin off

Thats kinda why it Plays in switzerland


Posted by Anniemation - September 10th, 2021

so i just had an idea i have been getting alot of fans recently which is really cool so i have an idea

if i get 15 fans by the end of septeber i will wondertrade 100 Magnemites on my Pokemon Ultramoon edition

and if you can prov ethat you have one i will follow you on NG how abou that ? let me know if youd like that

anyway have a nice day

_ dave

(btw all grubbins are called NGGeeklordav and sent by the Ot Charlie) ( i call all my protags in RPGS Charlie)

Edit: ok promise is promise i will go catch 100 flippy Magnemites

edit: 2 since my ultra moon has a few difficulties i will have to send magnetons instead luckily i bought a used copy of y sometime ago and didnt delete the save file so expect them soon


Posted by Anniemation - August 26th, 2021

Hello everyone

Happy robot day to celebrate that i have decided

to make kind of a teaser day for my DSAF fan game so this is a dev log

right now i am about 20 % done with the first day and its stilll very early in development

so what i am making here is that i will realease a folder with the sock images for swtzl,

so you can it give it a look then i will post the PIxel art Grapestickerz here on newgrounds made (she allowed me )

then today evening i will make and post a Trailer that reveals some stuff about the game anyway enjoy the FAQ

and happy robot day.

Frequently asked questions

Q: is this offical ?

A: no i dont own the rights to FNaF OR Dsaf

Q:when in the timeline does this take place)

A. long story Short its in the Neutral ending of Dsaf 3

Q:Can I Still Join The team ?

A: yes i am still seeking help Pm me if you want (cant pay though)

Q: when does this come out ?

A: i dunno yet but i am guessing January 2022 if things go well

Q: can i use the Leaked Files ?

A: yes of course i dont own the stock images i am only agreeing since i wont post wick files but you cant use the pixel art as its from grapestickerz

Q: i have a question that you already answered but i feel the need to ask it since i dont like the answer

A: I hate you

The Stockimages


dsaf-swtzl.zip (newgrounds.com)



Posted by Anniemation - August 22nd, 2021

Hello everyone its me dave

and i have an annoucment there are some newgrounders who followed me so

i decided to shout Them out since they are really legitimatly awesome folks here are all of them.

if you Like Grandios art and getting your ocs drawn in an art forum then check out chymphea and Their art and art forums they do some legitametly awesome stuff and could use life in their art posting Chymphaea (newgrounds.com)

Give me characters so I can practice drawing (newgrounds.com)

hey if you like sonic support,LGBTQIA+ folks and or are a furry then check out danionmars(her name is danille now but she couldnotvhangethenewgroundsnamebc she isnt a supporter but tsill refer to her as she her) she is really a nice person and like everyone else here needs support DaniOnMars (newgrounds.com)

Hey if you like sick beats then why not subsribe (to DJGreeJess's Art ) its the best way to keep his happiness alive (might as well) not pressure him into making more (thats not nice) but leave some needed moral support (thats good) DJGreenJes's Art (newgrounds.com) ok next one. Yo you like clowns ?! (shakes head) OK THEN DSAF?! (shakes head) WELL STILL CHECK OUT P13rr0t CAUSE SHE IS AS AWESOME AS HER ART NOW EXPLODE P13RR0T (newgrounds.com) If you wanna check people out who can art decently we will summon the ancient one thats right HPCS HPCS (newgrounds.com) OK NOw To Summersko , hes cool and can paint go follow him also he is my first follower so he is extra awesome. summerskoo (newgrounds.com) EDIT :if you love nice people check out MOT7070 shes a nice person MOT7070 (newgrounds.com) ok Last one so there is a beginner animator called superanime 2010 they may have only made stuff that got blammed right now but the have potewntial just give them a chance and trust me on this one SuperAnime2010 (newgrounds.com). anyway thats it have a nice day edit 2: Butter mini-island (newgrounds.com) Edit 3: check out this awesome voice actor They are really good Grapestickerx (newgrounds.com)



Posted by Anniemation - August 20th, 2021

Hi again

As you probably know i

Posted my First Game

And to that i have to say 2 Things

First Off thanks For not letting it get blammed that Shows me that there are people WHO Like my stuff and Seconds Off i am sorry If i die anything wrong With the game that upset you or offended you

Or seemes controversual what i am trying to say is i am Just afraid Off Messing Up

Anyway i Hope that you all have an nice day i really do anyway have an nice day


(ssorry for spelling mistakes i orignally wrote this on a german smartphone)


Posted by Anniemation - August 15th, 2021

So Hey everyone i have good news and bad news

good news : i currently try to figure how to be more productive and i will probably be able to make more stuff

Badnews: tommmorrow summer vacation ends here in switzerland so i have to spend time in school again yay

JK my school is great and i have multiple friends there wghich means i will post less than i already do

bu dont worry i will still post and find time to programm new artwork comes today and i will post an animation in the next few days anyway guys

I wish all of you a nice leftover of summer vacation and a good night

see you on the flipside


Edit:also thanks to the 6 people who follow me at the time i write this you guys are cool