hi im annie

Annie Camenzind @Anniemation

Age 18, Transgirl


11th Grade


Joined on 7/11/21

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Anniemation's News

Posted by Anniemation - October 31st, 2021

Ok look so i cancelled swtzl right ? how about a deal ? i have made a day 2 version to make the end somewhat satyfing

and i wanted to realese it as soon as i am unblocked on ng . But If my firend Satori @mini-island reaches 100 followers i will postr the day 2 version as soon as i can manage after that deal ?


Posted by Anniemation - October 20th, 2021

its done i officallly cancel Switzerlocation

i had a lot of plans like a valiant hero esq ending a lore a phone lady i am just gonna

scoop up what i already have into a gamejolt zip folder if you wanna make switzerlcation do it¨i dont care the legal mumbo jumbo about music and pixel art is your problem now

have a nice day



Posted by Anniemation - October 17th, 2021

if my friend satori @mini-island is gonna get to 100 followers by 20.10.2021 i will continue to deelop switzerlocation

if she dosent i will completly cancel it deal ?


Posted by Anniemation - October 15th, 2021

so i wanna make a visual novel iinterretatio of dorkly bits Pokemon rusty series

do you have any ideas for fun gimmicks i could use ?

also should i try to make the remixes myself ? should i use the original music? or should i search the audio portal for covers ?

(yes swtzl is still paused and yes i will cancel my wondertrade thing)

ask me questions if you want


Posted by Anniemation - October 13th, 2021

title explains it its alright atleast i have a gamejolt i can post games there if i get something done

but yeah i learned my lesson though newgrounds dosent like gameplay vidsb that are a conspiracy satire but yeah i will get over it dont worr and pleas edont harras any ng staff

if any ng staff listen i am really sorry i hope you can forgive me


Posted by Anniemation - October 11th, 2021

hi everyone so long story short

i realised that i am currently not in the right position to make swtzl

so i am tempraily pausing it untuil i am in a better mental place

i was to stressed about fan hate so thats what i decided to do i decided to put switzerlocation into my freezer

and let it be there for a bit i guess i could leak my plans in a later post but understaand that its for my mental health


see ya on the flipside


edit: it sounds more srious than it actully is i am fine ir^ts just abit stress ful



Posted by Anniemation - October 7th, 2021

ok basically long story short

i am quitting playing yugioh

after doing it for 4 years and 7 months

as it felt like i was

trapped on a single spot a date

kinda like te dhmis imagination theory

okk let me explain that

DHMIS or dont hug me i am scared is a webseries which is a horror spoof of the muppets, which is ,made by bscky sloan and joseph pelling

and since that show lore is pretty vague multiple theories have emerged with 2 main camps which i will call the media theory and the imagination theroy (i will cover it more in a seperate post if you would like that )

for today only the imiganition theory is important so basiccally it says that the character red guy has fleed tto his imaginary worldd and cant move on

i felt like that so so i am moving on and decided to sell my cards

sorry i just wanted to vent


Posted by Anniemation - October 3rd, 2021

to be honest im getting kinda sick of hi everyone

anyway this is a bout switzerlocations lore i am kinda worried that in the state the gae is in now

that people wont understand the lore i had intinded

so i wanna ask what you think i should do

option 1. I delay the game a bit to shove the explaination the lore i want into it

option 2. i explain it outside off the game in a trilogy off online novels

option 3. I would state the entire story in a newgrounds post

or option 4. i leave things as they are and let you people theorize

anyway thanks



Note there is option 5 to mak a second game to unravel all the story in that but i dont think i will make swtzl 2



Posted by Anniemation - October 1st, 2021

What's the best idea for you?

I deserve it!

How did you come up with this idea?

I will try to be creative!

Now look at the clock

Tell me what you see

The old watch is tired!

Maybe for you, but not for you!

I saw a crazy face! (Amazing!)

Come on, make me laugh

I can't understand what you say

Don't think creatively!

Check my hair (good!)

I use my hair to express my feelings!

He is very tired

I use my hair to express my feelings!

But if you look at the clouds in the sky

Ain't it fun for you? (pei)

Check it out! (Oh wait a minute)

i'm looking at a hat!

i saw a cat!

I can see the boy and the baseball bat

When I see a dog, I see a frog

I saw a ladder leaning against a tree

Now you think you are wrong

Use your feedback to have fun

I can draw a clown

My friends, maybe I should be slow

Another good sign here (yes?)

Collect trees and willows and match them with your favorite colors

Blue, red, green!

Greens are not the color of creativity

There is only one thing before streaming your creation

Listen to your heart, listen to the rain

Listen to the sound of your brain

Son, come on, let's try our best

Everyone agrees not to be elected


Posted by Anniemation - September 29th, 2021

hi everyone this is just a quick reminder that swizterlocation hasnt gone the way of pico 2 yet

and also it wont ever if it does you are allowed to recognize me at subway (i look juts like my profile pic) and say

hey dave just a reminder that switzerlcation gone the way of pco 2 you flutschbrine